Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

Wil afslanken, kan worden gebruikt als een substituut Quinoa rijst?

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Wil afslanken, kan worden gebruikt als een substituut Quinoa rijst?


Jakarta, om te vermageren, mensen zullen meestal direct verminderd of zelfs stopte rijst consumptie. Deel van de cursus maakt de koolhydraatconsumptie dus verminderd. Nou, als u wilt vervangen rijst, quinoa kan betrouwbaar? Reageren op dit, voedingsdeskundige Jansen Ongko, MSc, verklaart RD dat quinoa is een van de zaden van planten die kunnen worden gegeten. Quinoa is hoog in eiwit, voedingsvezels, vitamine B9 (folaat), vitamine B6, vitamine B2, vitamine B1, vitamine B3 en vitamine e. Daarnaast, quinoa is ook rijk aan kolin, mangaan, fosfor, magnesium, ijzer, zink, natrium, kalium en calcium. De waarde van plusnya, het graan is makkelijk te verteren en is opgenomen in de categorie van de inname van gluten-vrij. Lees ook: honger na het sporten? Op deze manier de dining regel van KalapQuinoa kunnen vervangen door rijst, zou Jansen onlangs. Echter, in orde want de voordelen ervan wakker blijven, er zijn tips zich bewust zijn van wanneer je quinoa cultiveert. Jansen onthuld, deze tips is dit graan eerst wast voordat deze reeds gekookt is. De reden hiervoor is dat de laag van bitterheid verdwenen is. Hoge vezelinhoud op quinoa zal bijdragen aan het behoud van de gezondheid van het spijsverteringskanaal, waardoor de maag voel me volledige langer en helpen stabiliseren van de suiker niveaus in het bloed, imbuh voedingsdeskundige afgestudeerd aan California State University, Los Angeles. Niet alleen goed voor je spieren en houd uw gewicht, quinoa, die rijk is aan gezonde vetten (onverzadigde vetzuren ketens van één-en tweepersoonskamers, evenals de omega 3-vetzuren) vormige ALA genoemd dat Jansen kan ook helpen om goede cholesterol HDL IE. Lees ook: de voordelen van een gezonde voeding: korrels tijdloos maken en voorkomen dat Diabetes (ajg/vit)

Minggu, 17 September 2017

Peso corporeo improvvisa giù? Standby con questa malattia

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Peso corporeo improvvisa giù? Standby con questa malattia


Jakarta, alle persone che hanno problemi con i numeri sui pesi, peso del corpo verso il basso potrebbe essere stato una manna. Tuttavia il peso del corpo verso il basso di sicuro deve essere accoppiato con una dieta sana ed esercizio fisico. Quando la discesa attraverso un improvviso e senza alcun argomento, è necessario qualche malattia di inattività. Maggior parte delle malattie che necessitano di uno sguardo fuori per quando corpo peso verso il basso con una strada improvvisa di loro come sono scritti boldsky, lunedì (27/08/2012): 1. endokrinPenyebab problema più comune del corpo improvviso peso cioè problemi endocrini. Ghiandola endocrina imposta agenzia di benefici. Quando il lavoro viene interrotto, l'Agenzia sarebbe bruciare più calorie, le opere di ghiandola tiroide con conseguente troppo profusamente che a sua volta aumenta il metabolismo e fare l'Agenzia non poteva assorbire tutti i nutrienti necessari. 2. problemi di cuore, polmone e ginjalGangguan il cuore e i polmoni sono la causa principale della diminuzione del peso corporeo. Queste circostanze portano ad una mancanza di risorse per l'agenzia così che gioca bene. Dopo di che potrebbe portare a sensazioni di nausea, vomito e mancanza di proteina. Tutto è ulteriore potrebbe portare al peso del corpo verso il basso. 3. InfeksiInfeksi (parte interna del corpo) non può essere grande come pure parecchi meglio nemmeno riconosciuto. Questa infezione per esempio a causa di un fungo, il sistema immunitario è il corpo che è aggressivo, risultante in un numero crescente di bruciare calorie. Qualche grande infezione avviene nell'apparato digerente. 4. KankerSalah uno dei primi segni di cancro, vale a dire una diminuzione del peso corporeo. Tumore (benigno) e cancerose (maligno) assorbe le sostanze nutrienti dal corpo per crescere, si usura come potenza. A causa di consumare sostanze nutritive dal tumore ha cominciato a crescere, l'Agenzia ha cominciato a perdere peso corporeo. Se si verifica improvvisa diminuzione del peso corporeo, così la migliore via d'uscita e cioè selekasnya consulenza e ho visto un medico o un ospedale. (mer/ir)


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Sabtu, 09 September 2017

Cute! Portrait of 3 Child Cancer Survivor for four years in a row

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Cute! Portrait of 3 Child Cancer Survivor for four years in a row


Jakarta, three boys this is a cancer survivor. The closeness they immortalized in a photograph that is uniquely, carried out every year for 4 years. The boy is Rheann Franklin (9), Ainsley Peters (7) and Rylie Hughey (6). Their photographer, Lora Scantling says this year the third Filipina girl was posing with a Gold Ribbon so the symbol of child cancer. In other photos, they used of colorful socks. Lora says Frnaklin imposed attributes, Peters, and Hughey is a donation from the people. The third boy was exposed to a different cancer but now they stated had healed. Everyone else said Lora had a different character. Franklin, the very love of martial arts. Because a brain tumor diidapnya, her hair cannot grow permanently. Meanwhile, Peters who wanted to become a singer and scientist described as the daughter of Lora energetic and loves to sing. Another with the always smiling Hughey and very in love with dance and gymnastics. Read also: the excitement of the moment the danger of child cancer Campaigned Through HiburanMereka have ties special and extraordinary. I'll take a photo of them every year as long as they and the world want it, said Lora to Today. In fact, each child had its own language in describing cancer. Cancer is a dragon in your flesh, said Franklin and chemo is a Prince, "said Peters. Hughey said that while cancer thus gets fucked when they ' attacked ' the wrong daughter.






Photo: Scantling Photograpgy/Today






Each year, the three little girls that do pose one of them with a mutual cuddle. In the year 2014, it appears they are a much more junior than the moment. At that time, Franklin was already bald while Hughey and short-haired Peters. They intentionally posed a blind eye because according to Lora illustrates how each other trying to compose. In the year 2015, they posed with eyes open. That way, there's a message that children with cancer can dare to confront what is experienced. In the year 2016, three boys who already seem much bigger to be photographed while holding a photo of them in the year 2014 which were displayed in a frame. Read also: recovering from cancer, Children Still are dealing with susceptibility to Heart Ache (rdn/vit) kopi hijau asli


Experts Said, This Consequently If Like To Eat Instant Noodles Every Day

Experts Said, This Consequently If Like To Eat Instant Noodles Every Day

Experts Said, This Consequently If Like To Eat Instant Noodles Every Day


Jakarta, instant noodles are often being one of the favorites because of the way of making quick and easy. Instant noodles also have a salty and savory flavors so much liked. Can of instant noodles were consumed each day? According to nutritionist Leona Victoria Djajadi, MND, instant noodles are indeed delicious, but arguably his nutritional empty. If taken constantly could pose a risk of malnutrition and possibly hypertension because of salt and MSG (monosodium glutamate) owned at bumbunya. Meanwhile, a nutritional expert Jansen Ongko, MSc, RD said that in fact it does not matter if the instant noodles were consumed every day. It's just food packaging may not meet the needs of a balanced nutrition. Although in the instant noodles contained large amounts of carbohydrate content, but the content of vitamin, mineral or protein in it very little. Read also: 5 risk of diseases caused by Excessive Eating Instant Noodles InstanMi can also trigger obesity because the calories content is quite high and is often consumed more than one wrap and mixed foodstuffs such as corned beef, he said to. However, it does not mean mi alone is a trigger obesity. The condition of obesity mentioned Jansen are the result accumulation and occurs if you often eat in excess of the daily caloric intake. One serving of instant noodles by measure itself can donate energy amounting to 400 kcal or about 20 percent of the total daily energy needs. Things to look out for is the fat content and high levels of natriumnya indeed, so can trigger high blood pressure for those who already have certain health problems. So still it is recommended not to eat instant noodles every day because of instant noodles is high food process that can trigger addiction, Jansen. Dr. Dr. Ari Fahrial sham, SpPD-KGEH, MMB, digestive health experts from Cipto Mangunkusumo HOSPITAL (RSCM) also never say instant noodles cooked ripe or half-ripe can trigger problems in the stomach like a bloated and begah, especially in people with gastritis. Bumbunya it is also usually able to stimulate gastric irritation because there's spiciness, timpalnya. Read also: a peek at the content of the instant noodles make it Unhealthy Consumed Excessive (ajg/up) cara membuat kopi hijau untuk diet


Jumat, 01 September 2017

Diligenti pesi così come sostituire la dieta, peso 15 kg giù Ganesh corporeo

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Diligenti pesi così come sostituire la dieta, peso 15 kg giù Ganesh corporeo

Sleman-70 kg di peso corporeo e altezza 167 cm, Ganesh Yogi Prabowo (21) spesso si sente meno fiducioso e sicuro di me stesso. Alla fine ha anche scegliere di applicare uno stile di vita sano. Non invano, questo tempo può essere più sicuro Ganesh te stesso con il peso corporeo di 55 kg. Significa che il peso del corpo ha lanciato una serie di 15 kg. Volete sapere il suo ritmo? La storia, come la scritta detikHealth il martedì (25/08/2015): di peso e forma del corpo, Cicciona, spesso mi sentivo meno fiduciosi e sicuri di sé. Da quel momento, proprio sull'IFP. Gennaio 2015, ho anche preso la decisione di applicare uno stile di vita sano. Sto cercando di organizzare un modello più sostenibile di mangiare, pranzo ore e ore di esercizio. Impatto più, ottenuto con successo una forma di corpo impressionante. Il modo che ho usato per fare è di fare un numero di pesi esercizio allenamento 6 volte a settimana. Sto lavorando su questo, perché credo che l'esercizio di sollevamento pesi può aiutare ad allenare i propri muscoli fare più ottimali sistema di bruciare i grassi. L'ambiente tre mld., il peso del mio corpo verso il basso un numero di 15 kg. Nonostante tutto questo, ho masihlah spostare il mio stile di vita come quella fino ad oggi. Modo che la mia forma del corpo è più atletico. Leggi anche: con questa dieta, peso 32 Kg giù Farah Plus pelle viso So Bright (ajg/vit)

Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

Cuerpo peso de 22 Kg por Fairuz porque TOC dieta así como salir a correr, trate de Yuk!



Cuerpo peso de 22 Kg por Fairuz porque TOC dieta así como salir a correr, trate de Yuk!

Talento de surakarta-grasa no han hacen notablemente Fairuz Nur Khairunnisa (17) renunciar a ella para intentar bajar el peso de su cuerpo. Con estatura de 167 cm y peso de 85 kg, esta vez que había más agregó que nosotros mismos pesando 63 kg. En el detikHealth y Fairuz escrito el martes (07/07/2015), la historia del éxito de bajar cuerpo peso 22 kg número de tramo de 8 mil millones. : A partir de una edad joven, que he tenido un gran cuerpo y altura, no es lo mismo con otros niños mi edad. Fuera de también había intentado varias dietas pero siempre que no sirve para nada. Estado enfermo, estoy tanto miedo de hacer el programa de pérdida de peso de cuerpo otra vez. Así que sentado en el Banco en la escuela secundaria, también trabajaba con varios les, ekskul, así como otra ráfaga. Esto me hace hambre demasiado a menudo y a menudo, comer excesivo. Plus más la madre compró a menudo arroz frito y fideos guiso durante la noche. Hacia arriba para luego venir en 3er grado, me di cuenta cuando mi cuerpo es muy pesado también. Las sanciones siempre a perder el peso porque el cuerpo tiene muchos hombres dudosos, entonces lo animé a. Awalannya tratar de reemplazar el arroz blanco con arroz rojo y los alimentos fritos no escribió, sólo los vegetales y frutas. Lamentablemente esto que aún mi corazón y peso corporal no se vino. Están allí pesado incluso monto debido a la época de fin de semana comí fritos mucho como recompensa por su cuenta. Entonces dije a mis colegas acerca de la dieta del TOC. También lo probé en dos meses. el peso de mi cuerpo hacia abajo de 3 kg. Aunque mi tiempo no era a menudo ejercicio. Esta disminución de la carga me hace querer obtener resultados óptimos. Por lo tanto, comencé a cambiar seriamente su dieta y ejercicio. Comer con arroz o patatas cocidas, más allá que también ampliar vegetal y reemplazar snacks fritos con frutas. Antes de ir a mi escuela siempre me saltar la cuerda durante un mínimo de 3 minutos si hay una lección en el ejercicio, me salto el desayuno Avena con OCD dan plátanos y strobery. En la tarde que tomar con trotar en vez de 5-10 asaltos en el estadio con una chaqueta con Manahan. Esta actividad estoy trabajando en mi pensamiento, porque un colega al unísono cuando se hace en pareja al unísono está poniendo más emocionante como anima. Fuera de él 1-2 semanas aprovecho bien para fitness y yoga para que el cuerpo parecía entonado y no caídos. Seguir una dieta como esta, así que agrego estoy en control y voraz comiendo otra vez. La cara también se ve brillante y no opaco ya porque a menudo beber agua simple. Leer también: dieta TOC más diligente ejercicio pesos con éxito crear Faris abajo pesas 25 Kg. (ajg/vta)

Jumat, 18 Agustus 2017

Wanting Down Weight? 5 Do About It to Control Appetite

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Wanting Down Weight? 5 Do About It to Control Appetite


Jakarta, Overeating is one among the bad routines that will lead to overweight and obesity. If so routine, it is not impossible just weight Agency will be increased many times over a period of relatively fast. Appetite is not monitored is the main cause of your meal so excessive amount. To overcome this, there are many tricks you can do. What are? DetikHealth summarized from various sources, these 5 tricks that can be done to control the appetite: Read also: Study: Weight So Aspects Most major occurrence of Bullying at Anak1. Breakfast with proteinPenelitian show, foods high in protein at breakfast may help choke the mouth is not healthy appetite. Therefore, the consumption of protein-rich can make the stomach feel full longer. Well, a nutritionist in California Medifast, Step Walsh refer consume at least 30 grams of protein in the morning. 2. Drink airGejala same dehydration with signs of the shortage of sugar which also make the body is sometimes confused with the need to eat. If the apparent hunger try drinking a glass of cold water first before start chewing food. Observe and feel the urge to eat if it is still there. 3. Listen musikHormon serotonin produced by the body while obtaining sugar consumption and can cause less sensation of happiness. Well if sadness cause someone to eat, try listening to music can also help produce serotonin. Added better when listening to music, singing up there swaying plus extra calories burned while fighting appetite.



4. Set dapurPeneliti from the University of New South Wales found that the kitchen in disarray can make a so stressed. Furthermore, without it would quickly recognized the hungry and eat more and more common. There in a cluttered environment and feel out of control in a way to make a mental so chaotic. Causes, appetite also without any recognized so up to make themselves feel good, says researcher Lenny Vartanian. 5. Enough tidurStudi done by Clemson University, South Carolina, said that lack of sleep can alter the strength to make a provision, included also in the matter of eating. They skew is going to be more impulsive and forget. Control yourself is the side of making the provisions of everyday life. When this 'disturbed' by the impact from lack of sleep, ingindalian self is probably a so hard to keep control, said one person participating researchers, Prof Pilcher June. Read also: Trick Avoid Unhealthy Eating Food Hungry at Night Time (mrs / vit)



Senin, 17 Juli 2017

Artikel Pilihan - Konsultasi Kandungan : Efek Minum Kopi Untuk Ibu Hamil

Konsultasi Kandungan : Efek Minum Kopi Untuk Ibu Hamil. Saat memiliki kandungan, seseorang perempuan mesti betul-betul memerhatikan konsumsinya. Nah, satu diantara konsumsi yang sering kali tidak dianjurkan untuk perempuan hamil yaitu kopi. Apa sich efeknya bila ibu hamil minum kopi? Pada session Konsultasi Kandungan detikHealth, pertanyaan sekitar efek konsumsi kopi waktu hamil jadi satu diantara pertanyaan terpopuler kapsul kopi hijau pelangsing selama 2014.

Umpamanya pertanyaan yang dilayangkan Fitri Yuliana, perempuan menikah (23). Ia mengakui sebelum menikah serta hamil seringkali konsumsi kopi. Namun sejak suaminya ketahui kehamilan itu, sang suami lalu melarangnya konsumsi kopi. iSebenarnya kadang-kadang saya masih tetap sukai minum kopi untuk kadang-kadang namun tidak sehari-hari. Yang ingin saya tanyakanlah adalah seberapa bahayakah kapsul kopi hijau pelangsing untuk kandungan saya? Bagaimana langkahnya untuk dapat menyingkirkan hasrat minum kopi?/iMenurut dr Hari Nugroho, SpOG, pengasuh Konsultasi Kandungan detikHealth, kerapkali wanita berumur 23 th. ketagihan kopi.

Nah, mengkonsumsi kopi pada ibu hamil beresiko terjadinya penambahan cafein serta metabolit didalam darah janin serta cairan ketuban (terkecuali darah ibu tentunya). Kekuatan ibu hamil untuk metabolisme cafein juga alami penurunan karena kehamilan, serta terendah kekuatannya pada trimester ke-3. " " Kopi yang diminum oleh ibu bisa menyebabkan kenaikan detak jantung janin serta penambahan kesibukan pernafasan dalam rahim, " " ungkap dr Hari dari RSUD dr Soetomo yang berprofesi jadi dosen di Kampus Airlangga. Ia memberikan terdapat banyak riset tentang dampak kopi pada kehamilan. Umpamanya pada 2011 dikerjakan riset jalinan kopi dengan keguguran.

Satu riset mengatakan meminum kopi sejumlah 8 sampai 10 cangkir (sekitaran 1. 000 mg cafein) tidak diketemukan ada resiko keguguran waktu kehamilan. Namun pada riset beda disebutkan ada peluang problem kongenital yang bertambah jika konsumsi kopi lebih dari 300 mg /hari. " " Riset mengenai kopi serta kehamilan memanglah tidaklah terlalu banyak, namun beberapa pakar setuju untuk membatasi mengkonsumsi kopi untuk wanita yang menginginkan hamil, juga akan hamil, hamil serta menyusui untuk membatasi mengkonsumsi kapsul kopi hijau pelangsing cafein kurang dari 200-300 mg /hari, " " tambah dr Hari.

Menurut dia, kandungan cafein bukan sekedar ada didalam kopi, namun banyak pula diketemukan pada makanan atau minuman yang dikonsumsi keseharian. Umpamanya minuman teh (sekitaran 50 mg per cangkir), minuman soda berpemanis (sekitaran 35 mg per cangkir), dan minuman tambah energi. Diluar itu, di orang-orang juga berkembang bermacam pantangan yang belum juga dapat dibuktikan dengan ilmiah. Umpamanya ibu hamil dilarang mandi pada malam hari. Masalah ini dr Hari mengakui belum juga sempat membaca riset atau jurnal mengenai bahaya mandi malam untuk ibu hamil. " "

Asumsinya tak ada problem hingga jam berapapun, untuk suhu air yang baik baiknya yang nyaman, tidaklah terlalu panas serta tidaklah terlalu dingin. Tak ada ketetapan suhu berapakah yang dianjurkan untuk kenyamanan ibu hamil. Hal semacam ini bisa sesuai dengan suhu di sekelilingnya. Meskipun memanglah banyak yang merekomendasikan bila ibu hamil janganlah berendam di suhu yang sangat panas, " " tutup dr Hari.

Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

5 Myths Wrong Causes Hair Loss

5 Myths Wrong Causes Hair Loss
                         Hair loss can be caused by genetic factors, hormonal and environmental aspects. Where the exact cause of the third, it is difficult to ascertain.
The most common form of hair loss for both men and women, is androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness. It is estimated that more than 95 percent of men who suffer from hair loss are affected by androgenetic alopecia.
Although many people think that baldness or hair loss only affects men, in fact there are many women who experienced the same thing.
We lose 50-100 hairs every day and this is reasonable. Many people do not notice because there are 100 thousand more follicles in our scalp, numbers 50-100 are considered insignificant. That's a fact.
Outside the scientific facts, there are also myths about hair loss that do not need you to believe, for example:
1. Wearing a hat will cause hair loss
Unless you wear a hat so tight that it interferes with the circulation of the follicle, you can wear a hat as often as you like without experiencing hair loss.
Traction alopecia, or hair loss is caused by damage to the hair follicle, is a condition that is often associated with the loss of the use of hats.
In fact, bond or braid is too tight, it may cause traction alopecia, says the founder of TDR. Ken Anderson.
2. Baldness is inherited from the mother's side
Genetics do play a major role in hair loss. However, the possibility of paternal or maternal genes decrease hair loss, is the same size.
There are studies that say that hair loss genes passed down through the X chromosome that we receive from our mothers. However, more recent studies have indicated that the hair loss gene also exists in the Y chromosome which is owned by your father.
That is, there are a variety of genetic factors that can affect hair loss, not just a single gene found on chromosome X.
3. Hair loss can not be repaired
In addition to genetic, hormonal changes can also cause hair loss. Extension of the male hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a direct cause of hair loss. Testosterone also exist in some women. Appeared almost among some women.
Research shows that women with excess testosterone are more likely to suffer from hair loss. Changes in the hormone testosterone into DHT can adversely affect the hair follicles.
Fortunately, there are hair loss treatments such as Propecia and Rogaine that effectively lower levels of the hormone DHT hair loss can be prevented and in some cases even bushy hair can grow back.
4. Only parents who experience hair loss
Yes, the hair tends to thin with age, but hair loss due to traction alopecia can occur from the age of puberty. Hair loss at a young age, tend to be more difficult to treat.
Hair loss can begin to occur since his teens for men, and 20s for women. In such cases, it is important to consult a hair restoration specialist to get rid of atypical cause of hair loss, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, a hormonal disorder that commonly occurs in women. This hormonal disorders have symptoms, one of which is hair loss, said Anderson.
5. Stress causes hair loss
Some studies did say bring physical and emotional trauma including weight gain sudden, certain medical conditions, or the death of someone in the family, can cause hair loss.
However, the actual stress does not directly cause hair loss. Stress deplete stores of vitamin B12 in the body that is responsible for distributing blood, oxygen and nutrients to body tissues, including hair.
Stress is a common everyday like eg stress due to congestion or a job, does not cause hair loss.
Which causes hair loss is very severe stress such as loss of your loved ones, said Anderson.
